The Heroic Affair of Mr. Gouneberg

English Edition

In the midst of the financial crisis, as if times weren’t hard enough already, mysteriously beloved superheroes begin disappearing, leaving residents of Athenopolis at the mercy of criminals and natural disasters. Mr. Gouneberg, a journalist from the newspaper Herald, embarks on an amazing adventure trying to solve the enigma of our heroes’ disappearance.

Several decades later, Mr. Gouneberg’s son collects the newspaper covers, personal notes and excerpts related to his father’s research and publishes the information together in the book The Heroic Affair of Mr. Gouneberg. The case of the mysterious affair unfolds to readers as they patiently pursue all the information laid out for them in the archive.

Writer/Artist: Gounis
Design/Art direction: Michalis Kavadias
Fictional newspaper, political fiction, superheroes
Embossed hardcover
64 pages in black & dark red Pantone
24,5cm x 35cm
Publication date
April 2019 (Greek edition: April 2017)
24,5cm x 35cm

« Such a beautifil and strange idea. Amazing! »

- Fredrik Strömberg, Author, editor & journalist

« Beautiful and smart. I've never seen something like this before! »

- Maya Dvash, Chief curator at Design Museum Holon